The metafor Package

A Meta-Analysis Package for R

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updates [2019/05/25 18:04] – external edit [2022/08/27 16:13] Wolfgang Viechtbauer
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 On this page, you can find a description of the (recent) updates to the metafor package. Older updates are archived [[updates_old|here]]. On this page, you can find a description of the (recent) updates to the metafor package. Older updates are archived [[updates_old|here]].
 +==== Version 3.8-1 (2022-08-26) ====
 +  * ''funnel.default()'', ''funnel.rma()'', and ''regplot.rma()'' gain ''slab'' argument
 +  * ''vif()'' was completely refactored and gains ''reestimate'', ''sim'', and ''parallel'' arguments; added '''' and ''plot.vif.rma()'' methods
 +  * ''plot.permutest.rma.uni()'' function sets the y-axis limits automatically and in a smarter way when also drawing the reference/null distribution and the density estimate
 +  * added possibility to specify a list for ''btt'' in ''anova.rma()''; added ''print.list.anova.rma()'' to print the resulting object
 +  * added '''' and '''' methods
 +  * documented the possibility to use an identity link (with ''link="identity"'') in ''rma.uni()'' when fitting location-scale models (although this will often lead to estimation problems); added ''solnp()'' as an additional optimizer for this case
 +  * optimizers ''nloptr'' and '''' (the latter from the ''alabama'' package) are now available in ''rma.uni()'' for location-scale models when using an identity link
 +  * added measure ''SMD1H'' to ''escalc()''
 +  * for ''measure="SMD"'', ''escalc()'' now also allows the user to specify d-values and t-test statistics via arguments ''di'' and ''ti'', respectively
 +  * ''aggregate.escalc()'' gains ''addk'' argument
 +  * added (experimental!) support for measures ''"RR"'', ''"RD"'', ''"PLN"'', and ''"PR"'' to ''rma.glmm()'' (but using these measures will often lead to estimation problems)
 +  * ''replmiss()'' gains ''data'' argument
 +  * ''cumul()'' functions also store data, so that arguments ''ilab'', ''col'', ''pch'', and ''psize'' in the ''forest.cumul.rma()'' function can look for variables therein
 +  * fixed issue with rendering Rmarkdown documents with ''metafor'' output due to the use of a zero-width space
 +==== Version 3.4-0 (2022-04-21) ====
 +  * added ''misc-models'', ''misc-recs'', and ''misc-options'' help pages
 +  * added '''' and '''' methods
 +  * ''permutest()'' can now also do permutation tests for location-scale models; it also always returns the permutation distributions; hence, argument ''retpermdist'' was removed
 +  * added ''plot.permutest.rma.uni()'' function to plot the permutation distributions
 +  * simplified ''regtest()'', ''ranktest()'', and ''tes()'' to single functions instead of using generics and methods; this way, a ''data'' argument could be added
 +  * added ''vcalc()'' and ''blsplit()'' functions
 +  * ''robust()'' gains ''clubSandwich'' argument; if set to ''TRUE'', the methods from the ''clubSandwich'' package ( are used to obtain the cluster-robust results; ''anova.rma()'' and ''predict.rma()'' updated to work appropriately in this case
 +  * results from ''robust()'' are no longer printed with ''print.robust.rma()'' but with the print methods ''print.rma.uni()'' and ''''
 +  * ''anova.rma()'' now gives a warning when running LRTs not based on ML/REML estimation and gains ''rhs'' argument; it also now has a ''refit'' argument (to refit REML fits with ML in case the fixed effects of the models differ)
 +  * setting ''dfs="contain"'' in '''' automatically sets ''test="t"'' for convenience
 +  * elements of ''rho'' and ''phi'' in '''' are now based on the lower triangular part of the respective correlation matrix (instead of the upper triangular part) for consistency with other functions; note that this is in principle a backwards incompatible change, although this should only be a concern in very special circumstances
 +  * '''' gains ''cvvc'' argument (for calculating the var-cov matrix of the variance/correlation/covariance components)
 +  * added measure ''"MPORM"'' to ''escalc()'' for computing marginal log odds ratios based on marginal 2x2 tables directly (which requires specification of the correlation coefficients in the paired tables for the calculation of the sampling variances via the ''ri'' argument)
 +  * added measure ''"REH"'' to ''escalc()'' for computing the (log transformed) relative excess heterozygosity (to assess deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium)
 +  * ''aggregate.escalc()'' gains ''checkpd'' argument and ''struct="CS+CAR"''
 +  * ''rma.glmm()'' now has entire array of optimizers available for ''model="CM.EL"'' and ''measure="OR"''; switched the default from ''optim()'' with method ''BFGS'' to ''nlminb()'' for consistency with '''', ''rma.uni()'', and ''selmodel.rma.uni()''
 +  * ''rma.glmm()'' gains ''coding'' and ''cor'' arguments and hence more flexibility how the group variable should be coded in the random effects structure and whether the random study effects should be allowed to be correlated with the random group effects
 +  * ''rma.uni()'' now also provides R^2 for fixed-effects models
 +  * ''matreg()'' can now also analyze a covariance matrix with a corresponding ''V'' matrix; can also specify variable names (instead of indices) for arguments ''x'' and ''y''
 +  * renamed argument ''nearPD'' to ''nearpd'' in ''matreg()'' (but ''nearPD'' continues to work)
 +  * ''plot.profile.rma()'' gains ''refline'' argument
 +  * added ''addpoly.rma.predict()'' method
 +  * ''addpoly.default()'' and ''addpoly.rma()'' gain ''lty'' and ''annosym'' arguments; if unspecified, arguments ''annotate'', ''digits'', ''width'', ''transf'', ''atransf'', ''targs'', ''efac'', ''fonts'', ''cex'', and ''annosym'' are now automatically set equal to the same values that were used when creating the forest plot
 +  * documented ''textpos'' and ''rowadj'' arguments for the various ''forest'' functions and moved the ''top'' and ''annosym'' arguments to 'additional arguments'
 +  * fixed that ''level'' argument in ''addpoly.rma()'' did not affect the CI width
 +  * ''points.regplot()'' function now also redraws the labels (if there were any to begin with)
 +  * added ''lbfgsb3c'', ''subplex'', and ''BBoptim'' as possible optimizer in '''', ''rma.glmm()'', ''rma.uni()'', and ''selmodel.rma.uni()''
 +  * the object returned by model fitting functions now includes the data frame specified via the ''data'' argument; various method functions now automatically look for specified variables within this data frame first
 +  * datasets moved to the `metadat` package (
 +  * improved the documentation a bit
 +==== Version 3.0-2 (2021-06-02) ====
 +  * the ''metafor'' package now makes use of the ''mathjaxr'' package to nicely render equations shown in the HTML help pages
 +  * ''rma()'' can now also fit location-scale models
 +  * added ''selmodel()'' for fitting a wide variety of selection models (and added the corresponding ''plot.rma.uni.selmodel()'' function for drawing the estimated selection function)
 +  * '''' gains ''dfs'' argument and now provides an often better way for calculating the (denominator) degrees of freedom for approximate t- and F-tests when ''dfs="contain"''
 +  * added ''tes()'' function for the test of excess significance
 +  * added ''regplot()'' function for drawing scatter plots / bubble plots based on meta-regression models
 +  * added ''rcalc()'' for calculating the variance-covariance matrix of correlation coefficients and ''matreg()'' for fitting regression models based on correlation/covariance matrices
 +  * added convenience functions ''dfround()'' and ''vec2mat()''
 +  * added ''aggregate.escalc()'' function to aggregate multiple effect sizes or outcomes within studies/clusters
 +  * ''regtest()'' now shows the 'limit estimate' of the (average) true effect when using ''sei'', ''vi'', ''ninv'', or ''sqrtninv'' as predictors (and the model does not contain any other moderators)
 +  * ''vif()'' gains ''btt'' argument and can now also compute generalized variance inflation factors; a proper ''print.vif.rma()'' function was also added
 +  * ''anova.rma()'' argument ''L'' renamed to ''X'' (the former still works, but is no longer documented)
 +  * argument ''order'' in ''cumul()'' should now just be a variable, not the order of the variable, to be used for ordering the studies and must be of the same length as the original dataset that was used in the model fitting
 +  * similarly, vector arguments in various plotting functions such as ''forest.rma()'' must now be of the same length as the original dataset that was used in the model fitting (any subsetting and removal of ''NAs'' is automatically applied)
 +  * the various ''leave1out()'' and ''cumul()'' functions now provide I^2 and H^2 also for fixed-effects models; accordingly, ''plot.cumul.rma()'' now also works with such models
 +  * fixed ''level'' not getting passed down to the various ''cumul()'' functions
 +  * ''plot.cumul.rma()'' argument ''addgrid'' renamed to ''grid'' (the former still works, but is no longer documented)
 +  * ''forest.default()'', ''forest.rma()'', and ''labbe()'' gain ''plim'' argument and now provide more flexibility in terms of the scaling of the points
 +  * ''forest.rma()'' gains ''colout'' argument (to adjust the color of the observed effect sizes or outcomes)
 +  * in the various ''forest()'' functions, the right header is now suppressed when ''annotate=FALSE'' and ''header=TRUE''
 +  * ''funnel.default()'' and ''funnel.rma()'' gain ''label'' and ''offset'' arguments
 +  * ''funnel.default()'' and ''funnel.rma()'' gain ''lty'' argument; the reference line is now drawn by default as a dotted line (like the line for the pseudo confidence region)
 +  * the ''forest'' and ''funnel'' arguments of ''reporter.rma.uni()'' can now also be logicals to suppress the drawing of these plots
 +  * added ''weighted'' argument to ''fsn()'' (for Orwin's method)
 +  * added some more transformation functions
 +  * ''bldiag()'' now properly handles ?x0 or 0x? matrices
 +  * p-values are still given to 2 digits even when ''digits=1''
 +  * ''summary.escalc()'' also provides the p-values (of the Wald-type tests); but when using the ''transf'' argument, the sampling variances, standard errors, test statistics, and p-values are no longer shown
 +  * ''rma.uni()'' no longer constrains a fixed tau^2 value to 0 when k=1
 +  * slight speedup in functions that repeatedly fit ''rma.uni()'' models by skipping the computation of the pseudo R^2 statistic
 +  * started using the ''pbapply'' package for showing progress bars, also when using parallel processing
 +  * to avoid potential confusion, all references to 'credibility intervals' have been removed from the documentation; these intervals are now exclusively referred to as 'prediction intervals'; in the output, the bounds are therefore indicated now as '''' and ''pi.ub'' (instead of '''' and ''cr.ub''); the corresponding argument names were changed in ''addpoly.default()''; argument ''addcred'' was changed to ''addpred'' in ''addpoly.rma()'' and ''forest.rma()''; however, code using the old arguments names should continue to work
 +  * one can now use ''weights(..., type="rowsum")'' for intercept-only '''' models (to obtain 'row-sum weights')
 +  * ''simulate.rma()'' gains ''olim'' argument; renamed the ''clim'' argument in ''summary.escalc()'' and the various ''forest()'' functions to ''olim'' for consistency (the old ''clim'' argument should continue to work)
 +  * show nicer network graphs for ''dat.hasselblad1998'' and ''dat.senn2013'' in the help files
 +  * added 23 datasets (''dat.anand1999'', ''dat.assink2016'', ''dat.baskerville2012'', ''dat.bornmann2007'', ''dat.cannon2006'', ''dat.cohen1981'', ''dat.craft2003'', ''dat.crede2010'', ''dat.dagostino1998'', ''dat.damico2009'', ''dat.dorn2007'', ''dat.hahn2001'', ''dat.kalaian1996'', ''dat.kearon1998'', ''dat.knapp2017'', ''dat.landenberger2005'', ''dat.lau1992'', ''dat.lim2014'', ''dat.lopez2019'', ''dat.maire2019'', ''dat.moura2021'', ''dat.obrien2003'', ''dat.vanhowe1999'', ''dat.viechtbauer2021'')
 +  * the package now runs a version check on startup in interactive sessions; setting the environment variable ''METAFOR_VERSION_CHECK'' to ''FALSE'' disables this
 +  * refactored various functions (for cleaner/simpler code)
 +  * improved the documentation a bit
 +==== Version 2.4-0 (2020-03-19) ====
 +  * version jump to 2.4-0 for CRAN release (from now on, even minor numbers for CRAN releases, odd numbers for development versions)
 +  * the various ''forest()'' functions gain ''header'' argument
 +  * ''escalc()'' gains ''include'' argument
 +  * setting ''verbose=3'' in model fitting functions sets ''options(warn=1)''
 +  * ''forest.rma()'' and ''forest.default()'' now throw informative errors when misusing ''order'' and ''subset'' arguments
 +  * fixed failing tests due to the ''stringsAsFactors=FALSE'' change in the upcoming version of R
 +  * ''print.infl.rma.uni()'' gains ''infonly'' argument, to only show the influential studies
 +  * removed ''MASS'' from ''Suggests'' (no longer needed)
 +  * argument ''btt'' can now also take a string to grep for
 +  * added ''optimParallel'' as possible optimizer in ''''
 +  * added (for now undocumented) option to fit models in ''rma.glmm()'' via the ''GLMMadaptive'' package (instead of ''lme4''); to try this, use: ''control=list(package="GLMMadaptive")''
 +  * started to use numbering scheme for 'devel' version (the number after the dash indicates the devel version)
 +  * added ''contrmat()'' function (for creating a matrix that indicates which groups have been compared against each other in each row of a dataset)
 +  * added ''to.wide()'' function (for restructuring long format datasets into the wide format needed for contrast-based analyses)
 +  * ''I^2'' and ''H^2'' are also shown in output for fixed-effects models
 +  * argument ''grid'' in ''baujat()'' can now also be a color name
 +  * added (for now undocumented) ''time'' argument to more functions that are computationally expensive
 +  * added (for now undocumented) ''textpos'' argument to the various forest functions
 +  * added a new dataset (''dat.graves2010'')
 +  * added more tests
 ==== Version 2.1-0 (2019-05-13) ==== ==== Version 2.1-0 (2019-05-13) ====
Line 38: Line 153:
   * ''forest.cumul.rma()'' gains a ''col'' argument   * ''forest.cumul.rma()'' gains a ''col'' argument
   * ''funnel.default()'' and ''funnel.rma()'' can now take vectors as input for the ''col'' and ''bg'' arguments (and also for ''pch''); both functions also gain a ''legend'' argument   * ''funnel.default()'' and ''funnel.rma()'' can now take vectors as input for the ''col'' and ''bg'' arguments (and also for ''pch''); both functions also gain a ''legend'' argument
-  * ''addpoly()'' functions can now also show credibility interval bounds+  * ''addpoly()'' functions can now also show prediction interval bounds
   * removed 'formula interface' from ''escalc()''; until this actually adds some kind of extra functionality, this just makes ''escalc()'' more confusing to use   * removed 'formula interface' from ''escalc()''; until this actually adds some kind of extra functionality, this just makes ''escalc()'' more confusing to use
   * ''escalc()'' can now compute the coefficient of variation ratio and the variability ratio for pre-post or matched designs (''"CVRC"'', ''"VRC"'')   * ''escalc()'' can now compute the coefficient of variation ratio and the variability ratio for pre-post or matched designs (''"CVRC"'', ''"VRC"'')
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   * ''plot.profile.rma()'' gains ''ylab'' argument   * ''plot.profile.rma()'' gains ''ylab'' argument
   * more consistent handling of ''robust.rma'' objects   * more consistent handling of ''robust.rma'' objects
-  * added location-scale model 
   * added a print method for ''rma.gosh'' objects   * added a print method for ''rma.gosh'' objects
   * the (log) relative risk is now called the (log) risk ratio in all help files, plots, code, and comments   * the (log) relative risk is now called the (log) risk ratio in all help files, plots, code, and comments
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   * added more tests (but disabled a few tests on CRAN to avoid some issues when R is compiled with ''%%--%%disable-long-double'')   * added more tests (but disabled a few tests on CRAN to avoid some issues when R is compiled with ''%%--%%disable-long-double'')
   * some general code cleanup   * some general code cleanup
-  * renamed diagram_metafor.pdf vignette to just diagram.pdf+  * renamed ''diagram_metafor.pdf'' vignette to just ''diagram.pdf''
   * minor updates in the documentation   * minor updates in the documentation
 ==== Version 1.9-9 (2016-09-25) ==== ==== Version 1.9-9 (2016-09-25) ====
-  * started to use git as version control system, GitHub to host the repository ( for the development version of the package, Travis CI as continuous integration service (, and Codecov for automated code coverage reporting (  * started to use git as version control system, GitHub to host the repository ( for the development version of the package, Travis CI as continuous integration service (, and Codecov for automated code coverage reporting (
   * argument ''knha'' in ''rma.uni()'' and argument ''tdist'' in ''rma.glmm()'' and '''' are now superseded by argument ''test'' in all three functions; for backwards compatibility, the ''knha'' and ''tdist'' arguments still work, but are no longer documented   * argument ''knha'' in ''rma.uni()'' and argument ''tdist'' in ''rma.glmm()'' and '''' are now superseded by argument ''test'' in all three functions; for backwards compatibility, the ''knha'' and ''tdist'' arguments still work, but are no longer documented
   * ''rma(yi, vi, weights=1, test="knha")'' now yields the same results as ''rma(yi, vi, weighted=FALSE, test="knha")'' (but use of the Knapp and Hartung method in the context of an unweighted analysis remains an experimental feature)   * ''rma(yi, vi, weights=1, test="knha")'' now yields the same results as ''rma(yi, vi, weighted=FALSE, test="knha")'' (but use of the Knapp and Hartung method in the context of an unweighted analysis remains an experimental feature)
updates.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/29 09:58 by Wolfgang Viechtbauer